Paradise Scientific Nutrition Healthy Diet Blog

Our scientifically oriented healthy diet blog offers hard-hitting truthful information about weight loss, hair loss, anti-aging and much, much more. Our goal is to engage in an honest discussion relating to the prevention of disease, including cancer, acne, irritable bowel, and heart disease. We go deeply into the mechanics of processed food as it relates to the standard American diet.

Regular Healthy Diet Blog Updates

Our blog links you to new and updated pages for your convenience.  These pages contain information compiled from a collection of hundreds of books taken from the most sophisticated nutritional scientists in the world.

At The Healthy Diet Paradise,
we don't just teach you the science, we give you the tools to execute it.  People learn in different formats, and we  cover both visual, written and audio formats. 

In our diet academy, not only are you going the learn the science of sound nutrition, you're going to be linked directly to recipe pages and videos that show the actual application of the diet principles.  We now know that when our visitors are taught the science behind these diet methods, they tend to stick to the guidelines. 

We have a very large database of recipes in both written and video format.  We're enlarging our database of recipes for people who have gluten intolerance.  This will link you to pages that teach you how to cook and eat gluten free.

We have a very large hair loss diet section.  Our hair loss program is simply the most comprehensive on the web. We have many links that teach you how to reverse hair loss.   Our hair loss diet section takes you to our main hair loss page, our coaching service, our hair loss stress page, our hair vitamin page,  our hair loss ebook, and much, much more.

We're everyday people just like you,  and we're solving major problems just by adjusting our diets.

Site map

Mar 03, 2024

Soy Milk Side Effects May Include Raging Hormonal Symptoms

Soy milk side effects include breast enlargement in males, increased menopausal symptoms and severe digestive distress.

Continue reading "Soy Milk Side Effects May Include Raging Hormonal Symptoms "

Feb 28, 2024

How to Regrow Hair Mastered by Darcy!

Darcy learned how to regrow hair! Read her letter to The Healthy Diet Paradise!

Continue reading "How to Regrow Hair Mastered by Darcy!"

Dec 04, 2023

Learn to Regrow Hair: Hair Loss Diet Success Stories

Learn how to regrow hair here. The members of this forum have successfully been through our hair loss diet boot camp. Click here to learn how they did it!

Continue reading "Learn to Regrow Hair: Hair Loss Diet Success Stories"

Nov 25, 2023

Reverse Thyroid Hair Loss Naturally Using the Forces of Mother Nature

Thyroid hair loss natural cure. Learn why thyroid hair loss is a gift and how to reverse it naturally.

Continue reading "Reverse Thyroid Hair Loss Naturally Using the Forces of Mother Nature"

Nov 25, 2023

Hair Loss Diet ebook: Blueprint & Navigation Guide

Our unique hair loss diet ebook answers 40 of your most urgent questions about the hair loss diet. This guide will teach you diet theories of how to grow lush, thick, healthy hair.

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Jul 19, 2023

Liver is a Super Food That No One Wants to Eat

descriptive textThe liver is a nutritional goliath. It’s rich in protein, low in fats as well as loaded with essential minerals and vitamins. ... Very few food items are worthy of the label “superfood.” Nonetheless, the liver is just one of all them

Continue reading "Liver is a Super Food That No One Wants to Eat"

Jul 18, 2023

Medical Mistakes Are the 3rd Leading Cause of Death in the United States

According to a recent study by Johns Hopkins, more than 250,000 people in the United States die every year because of medical mistakes, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

At The Healthy Diet Paradise we have never lost a soul. The food we eat comes from the creator.

Continue reading "Medical Mistakes Are the 3rd Leading Cause of Death in the United States"

Jul 12, 2023

1 in 5 Men With Hair Loss Has Considered Suicide

One of the biggest issues that come up with hair loss is depression. I used to think it was just unique to our coaching program. It turns out that a large number of men with hair loss experience suicidal ideation.

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Jul 04, 2023

Nobody is Interested in Our Weight Loss Program!

Hey, guess what? Nobody, and I mean nobody is interested in our weight loss program. When I wrote the hair loss diet page 11 years ago, it took off like a rocket and completely obliterated the weight loss pages. What I learned from this is that the weight loss information on line is saturated. But diet-related hair loss is something that desperately needs attention.

Here's the kicker. We don't need the weight loss pages, because being on the hair loss diet automatically controls your weight! Lol!!

Continue reading "Nobody is Interested in Our Weight Loss Program!"

Jun 29, 2023

We've Discovered a Link Between Alcohol & Hair Loss

How much alcohol is best for the hair loss diet? This is a question that gets asked often. Try to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages to twice per week.

Continue reading "We've Discovered a Link Between Alcohol & Hair Loss"

Aug 08, 2021

5-6 Months In...

Hi Sheree, Thank you for the info. You've put together a great resource. I'm a 28 year old male, and have been on the diet for about 5-6 months. The

Continue reading "5-6 Months In..."

Oct 30, 2020

Curious About Soy Sauce

Hey I was wondering can I cook vegetables and add a little bit of soy sauce for flavor or will the wheat disrupt the the diet. Thank you

Continue reading "Curious About Soy Sauce"

Jul 15, 2020

I need your support in combating my hair loss

I'm so much devastated and desperate now, I'm suffering from hair loss since 2012, I almost lost all my hair and have only 1/4th left on my scalp. I'm

Continue reading "I need your support in combating my hair loss"

Apr 03, 2020

Nutrient Rich Vegetable Salad Recipe: A Colorful Map to Superb Health

Richly colored vegetable salad recipe for thick hair growth, clear, beautiful skin and disease prevention.

Continue reading "Nutrient Rich Vegetable Salad Recipe: A Colorful Map to Superb Health"

Apr 03, 2020

Benefits of Eating Healthy: 7 Breathtaking Effects of Eating a Healthy Diet

Learn how the benefits of eating healthy stall aging, cancer, disease, acne, hair loss, and more.

Continue reading "Benefits of Eating Healthy: 7 Breathtaking Effects of Eating a Healthy Diet"

The health and diet information at The Healthy Diet Paradise has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is for basic information purposes only. If you have any medical issues or concerns, please contact your health care provider.

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